The 1:1 Diet Dramatically Improves Sleep Apnoea

Poor, interrupted sleep exacerbates weight gain, which, in turn, further worsens sleep, creating a vicious cycle. Sleep is an enormous area of study these days. It is now known that excess fat in the tongue, throat and central region, caused by overweight and obesity, are associated with sleep apnoea – a condition that severely interrupts breathing, sleep duration and quality. The 1:1 Diet has been shown to dramatically improve sleep apnoea.

Poor Sleep causes Poor Weight-Loss Maintenance

Bogh AF, Jensen SBK, Juhl CR, Janus C, Sandsdal RM, Lundgren JR, Noer MH, Vu NQ, Fiorenza M, Stallknecht BM, Holst JJ, Madsbad S, Torekov SS. Insufficient sleep predicts poor weight loss maintenance after one year. Sleep. 2022 Dec 6:zsac295.

In this study, after eight weeks, subjects lost 13.1 kg. They found that after this weight loss, those with short sleep duration gained more weight back in the following year.

The 1:1 Diet Dramatically Improves Sleep Apnoea

Johansson K, Hemmingsson E, Harlid R, et al. Longer term effects of very low energy diet on obstructive sleep apnoea in cohort derived from randomised controlled trial: prospective observational follow-up study. BMJ. 2011 Jun 1;342:d3017. –

Sleep Apnoe affects ¼ Diabetics & 4/5 obese diabetics. After 9 weeks of The 1:1 Diet, subjects lost 18.7 kg. The result was that 26 out of 30 subjects with severe sleep apnoea improved substantially. In the control group who didn’t use our diet, four improved, five got worse and 24 were unchanged.

Improvements in Sleep Apnoea with The 1:1 Diet

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