
The 1:1 Diet Dramatically Improves Sleep Apnoea

Poor, interrupted sleep exacerbates weight gain, which, in turn, further worsens sleep, creating a vicious cycle. Sleep is an enormous area of study these days. It is now known that excess fat in the tongue, throat and central region, caused by overweight and obesity, are associated with sleep apnoea – a condition that severely interrupts […]

The 1:1 Diet Dramatically Improves Sleep Apnoea Читать дальше »

The 1:1 Diet – Evidence-Based, Dietary Intervention for Diabetes

The 1:1 Diet has been shown in gold-standard, randomised, controlled trials to be effective in pre-diabetics, diabetics and those with severe, long-established diabetes, who were on insulin. Expert groups, including the British Dietetic Association, the British Medical Association and Diabetes UK have evaluated this research in a number of studies and reports and come to

The 1:1 Diet – Evidence-Based, Dietary Intervention for Diabetes Читать дальше »

Best Diet for Type-2 Diabetes – Review of 90 Studies

Reference: Brown A, McArdle P, Taplin J, Unwin D, Unwin J, Deakin T, Wheatley S, Murdoch C, Malhotra A, Mellor D. Dietary strategies for remission of type 2 diabetes: A narrative review. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2021 Jul 29. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12938. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34323335. Link: A review of 90 studies by

Best Diet for Type-2 Diabetes – Review of 90 Studies Читать дальше »

Новое исследование Оксфордского Университета рассказывает, как худеть эффективно и радоваться долгосрочным результатам!

A major trial has proven that a combination of Total Diet Replacement programmes…

Новое исследование Оксфордского Университета рассказывает, как худеть эффективно и радоваться долгосрочным результатам! Читать дальше »