
Anna Spanou

Having witnessed the wonders that Cambridge Weight Plan performs first-hand, it was an easy decision to want to become a Consultant. I have watched my husband get rid of his heavy sleep apnoea – that rendered him in need of a breathing support machine – completely disappear, after he lost 52kg through the Plan. Having

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Ero Theodoulou

My name is Ero Theodoulou and I welcome you to the fascinating world of the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan. As with many people out there, I went through the difficulty of being overweight in many phases in my life. Constantly struggling with weight gain throughout the years, feeling depressed and uncomfortable with myself

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Maria Davveta

Ονομάζομαι Μαρία Δαββέτα και με το πρόγραμμα διατροφής της Cambridge Weight Plan κατάφερα να πετάξω 54 κιλά.Οι διατροφές που ακολούθησα πριν από το πρόγραμμα της Cambridge ήταν πάρα πολλές και τα αποτελέσματα μηδαμινά.  Με την Cambridge κατάφερα να βρω τα πατήματα μου και ένα υγιεινό πρόγραμμα διατροφής χωρίς να έχω την αίσθηση της πείνας. Τα

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